Artist Profile
Anne Renee Rob
Born in Bindjei, Sumatera Indonesia. Born of Dutch parents &Emigrated to the United States of America 1960 and obtained U.S. citizenship in 1965. Education includes the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, The Hague, Netherlands 1957-60. Middle Tennessee State University jewelry classes 1986-87 with Klaus Kallenberger. Appalachian Center for Crafts Workshops 1998-2009.
Anne participated in numerous juried Arts and Crafts fairs annually, including TACA, Southern Highlands Crafts Fairs. Anne has also be juried into numerous exhibits: Evansville, IN Museum of Arts & Science, TACA Best of Tennessee, Seduction of Metals, Artstravaganza. A.V.A. Chattanooga, Seduction of Metals, Florida Society of Goldsmiths, Tallahassee, FL. , Art Center of Manatee, Bradentown, FL. , Watertown Annual Show, Louisville, KY, Emerging Master Artists Madison Art Center, TN.
In 2012 the Tennessee State Museum purchased on of Anne’s bracelets for it’s permanent collection.
Memberships: Tennessee Crafts, Southern Highland Craft Guild, Stones River Crafts Association, American Craft Council.
Gallery 202: Franklin, TN
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